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Igoe Hall, SUNY Fredonia - Real Fredonia Haunted Place

  • 280 Central Ave
  • Fredonia, NY
  • 716-673-3111
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Originally known as Building “E” when it opened in the 1970s, SUNY Fredonia’s Igoe Hall was renamed in honor of a student, James Robert Igoe, who drowned in Lake Eerie. Students say that the dorm has been haunted by Jimmy since his passing, causing a variety of inexplicable phenomena. Jimmy is believed to slam doors, change the channels on TVs, turn the lights and faucets on and off, and play with the elevator.
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  • Third Floor

    I was relaxing in my room one evening around three in the morning and I had been hearing scratching noises in the room next to mine, but that room was empty so I was weirded out but not super scared. After a minute something just told me to look down at my stomach and I saw a large scratch/bruise on my right side. The weirdest part was that while I was looking at it it got bigger and brighter and then the next morning is was completely gone. Was not amused.

    Posted 10/18/19

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  • Photo lab!!!

    For someone who has always been skeptical of ghosts, I found myself being soooo shook. My boyfriend and I went into the basement/photo lab so I could make prints in the dark room for my homework. It was after hours and all the rooms where locked up and no one else was present except for us two. We go into the darkroom and I begin telling my boyfriend what I needed to do when all of a sudden we hear a high pitched female SCREAM. We both look at each other so freaked out. We walked to the hall to see if there was anyone there and I initially thought it could be the piping or sink but there was no way it was that. It was literally a female scream and sounded like it came from a room across the hall. We hurried out to the front of the photo lab and sat to listen if there was anything else. No one, nothing.... I’m shook. Never believed in ghosts and now I’m reconsidering that.

    Posted 3/22/19

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  • Haunted ! ! ! First Hand Experience.

    This place especially the photo development room and basement are filled with crazy activity. The faucets go on an off right in front of you, the toilets flush by themselves, the lights turn on and off without hitting the switch and you get a super eery feeling. Not someplace I would ever go into alone again. Also My father was a janitor at this building for 3 years, working daily from 5am-230pm before requesting to transfer to another dorm due to being uncomfortable.

    Posted 10/21/17

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3467 days ago)

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